Bob Ramstad's Pipe Links

First things first, I occasionally have estate pipes for sale, typically pipes that I purchased, cleaned up, perhaps smoked, and then ultimately decided that they didn't work for me. I don't do this as a business, and basically my goal is to get out of a pipe what I paid... Take a look at what is currently available and let me know if something tickles your fancy!

Second, I am the Political Liaison for the Seattle Pipe Club and am currently working to have the 2011 "flavored tobacco" bills either amended or hopefully have them die in committee. I've set up a web page with details on how to oppose House bill 1246 and Senate bill 5380. I also spent some time in 2010 on bills to make it legal once again to mail order pipe tobacco in the State of Washington. (Mail order of pipe tobacco was made illegal by Senate bill 5340 in 2009.) Unfortunately, that effort failed, and as a result, it is still illegal to mail order pipe tobacco in the State of Washington. Some details on the effort to amend bill 5340 are available on this site.

Quite some time ago I made a list of links for companies that I had done business with in the past, or companies that I had run across and wanted to keep handy for future reference. I have no financial interest in any of them. I am not explicitly recommending any of these companies, if you choose to do business with them, great, if not, that's fine, your choice... but it seemed sad to delete these links simply because Washington state residents can't legally mail order pipe tobacco, so I'll leave them here for out of state folks, and for posterity. Enjoy!

Pipe Tobacco


US vendors

International vendors